洪波教授特邀学术讲座:希伯来大学Prof. Israel Nelken “Frequency maps in auditory cortex”

Networks have become of central interest in the study of complex biological systems, including the brain. Modern network science approaches are beginning to reveal fundamental principles of brain architecture and function. Connectivity comes in many forms in the architecture and function of human systems – for example, molecular interactions, metabolic pathways, synaptic connections from nano to micro, to meso and macroscopic level. In all cases, the quantitative analysis of connectivity requires sophisticated mathematical and statistical techniques and experimental data from nano to macroscopic levels.  In the talk Prof. Bezerianos will present graph theory models he developed to study: (a)  the intracellular pathways based on  integromics data and (b)  brain networks  dynamics  from EEG and fMRI data. Finally, He presents his proposal for integrating the two approaches towards defining a network medicine framework for brain disorders. 


For more details, please refer to Networking medicine: from intracellular networks to brain connectivity mapping

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