

洪波教授特邀学术讲座:CMU BME系主任贺斌“脑动态成像与脑机交互”

Brain activity is distributed over the 3-dimensional volume and evolves in time. Mapping spatio-temporal distribution of brain activation with high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution is of great importance for understanding the brain and aiding in the clinical diagnosis and management of brain disorders.

洪波教授特邀学术讲座:墨尔本大学Dr. Chris Plummer, Dr. Simon Vogrin“基于多模态分析的癫痫病灶定位及手术规划”

Drug-resistant focal epilepsy is a major clinical problem and surgery is under-used. Better non-invasive techniquesfor epileptogenic zone (EZ) localisation are needed when MRI shows no lesion or an extensive lesion. The problem is interictal (IED) and ictal localisation before propagation from the EZ.

洪波受邀“清华校友学习日” 主讲人脑与智能的进化


洪波教授特邀学术讲座:纽约大学Prof. Xiao-Jing Wang“计算神经科学:大尺度脑网络与反馈投射”

The hierarchical organization of the brain’s ventral visual pathway has inspired the feedforward connectionist architectures used in state-of-the-art deep learning methods that have begun to transform applications as diverse as image recognition, disease diagnosis and self-driving cars. However, it is well-known that there are way more feedback projections than feedforward ones in the brain.

洪波教授特邀学术讲座:俄亥俄州立大学Prof. Mingjun Zhang “Bio-inspired Nanoparticles as Building Blocks”

Through evolution, nature has produced some of the greatest and most intelligent structures ever created in the earth, ranging in scale and complexity from DNA to the human brain. It remains a daunting challenge for humans to fully understand how diverse functional matters are self-assembled for biological systems, how complex system behaviour is emerged from fundamental properties of matters, and how to produce biocompatible, sustainable functional matter that not only are environmentally friendly, but also can survive dynamic impacts under extreme conditions.